Mining Game

This game project is one that I have wanted to create for a long time now.
The main objective is to spend countless hours looking for a wast amounts of recources from the ground.
Of which could be used for several different purposes.

The inspiration for this project came from an old Flash Game back when I was a child.
A game called “Motherlode”.

In Motherlode you play as a mining drone that collects minerals.
You bring them back up to the surface and sell them so that you can afford more fuel and upgrades.
The upgrades are used to progress further down into the ground to find more valuable materials.

I really enjoyed that game, and I wanted to create something simular.
Though for it to be interesting to myself now, I feel like I need to add a little techical touch to it.
I want it to be a bit of a learning experience. Not just about how minerals are located.
But also how they are processed and used for industrial purposes.

I did not have a unique idea of how the gameplay should feel at the time.
So I tried to make the digging in a block format simular to Motherlode, though in a 3D world.
Unfortunately, it did not work out too great due to several complications.

As I playtested the game, I found that the controls quickly got too complex for the avrage player.
Coordinating in a 2D game where you dig down is quite more simple than to try find your way out of a 3D maze.
I am not able to show you the way out, as it would obstruct the view in some way that I did not want.

How ever, I did manage to make a playable prototype.
You are welcome to try it out if you want.
But I expect to redesign a lot of it for my next iteration.